Conductive Education in WellingtonConductive Education was established in Wellington 20 years ago by a group of parents dedicated to providing a holistic programme that worked with the child and family as a whole rather than the traditional medically modeled early intervention.
Investigation of the Conductive Education programme provided in Hungary led these parents to believe that this approach would best meet the needs of their children.
The Conductive Education Wellington Trust was formed and registered in July 1995. |
Current Members of the Board are:
We are currently and actively seeking more Board members. Our AGM was held on 20th June 2018 A copy of our annually audited accounts may be viewed at the centre or online via the Charities Commission website |
In July 1997 building was started for the Wellington Conductive Education Unit which was set up in the Naenane Primary School grounds. Continued commitment to providing this programme at an affordable cost meant many hours of fundraising by families, friends and staff. Large community events resulted in sufficient funds to build a deck and continue to provide funding for the ongoing running of Conductive. In 2011 we were able to secure a very generous grant from the Avalon Child Care centre which enabled us to extend our building and add such things as a music room, multisensory room, assessment/meeting room and a sensory garden for the children
Conductive Education Wellington Trust continues to be governed by Trustees as a Charitable Trust and as such is registered with the Charities Commission. The Trust is supported by the families of children who access or who have accessed our service and believe in the positive benefits of this unique program.
Conductive Education Wellington Trust is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide a non-medical, multidisciplinary Child Development Service to promote and facilitate the child’s developmental pathway towards meeting their maximum potential. In addition, the Trust is contracted by the Ministry of Education to provide an early childhood program run in conjunction with the “Te Whāriki” curriculum. You are very welcome to request the Ministry of Education funding and where this funding has been applied to. Conductive Education Wellington Trust provides advice and support to families, whanau and other paraprofessionals working with a child enrolled at our centre. Our latest ERO review was completed in March 2024 and can be found here We review our operational policies regularly and will ask families for input and feedback. We use Storypark to document your child's development, journey with us and activities. This gives the families the option of who they would like to see their child's profile and they are able to comment on the stories. |